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Dead Poets Society - What They Had EP | Radioaktion Recordings (RDKN03) - main
Dead Poets Society - What They Had EP | Radioaktion Recordings (RDKN03) - 1Dead Poets Society - What They Had EP | Radioaktion Recordings (RDKN03) - 2

Dead Poets Society

What They Had EP

Radioaktion Recordings (RDKN03)

1x Vinyl 12"

Release date: Jan 31, 2025, Spain

Radioaktion Recordings is back. Third time´s charm by Dead Poets Society for the double 0 3. The special agent delivers a full dancefloor neccesity for the darker hours, but you can play it ¨wherever you are¨. 

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What They Had


Wherever You Are


Dance 'Till The Cops Come


Nobody Likes You